Causes Of Clogged Drains And Effective Ways To Prevent It

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Clogged drains can be frustrating and it can cause inconvenience. If left untreated it can cause major issues in daily routine. It is important to address clogged drain issues to prevent further inconvenience. These clogs are usually caused by a buildup of debris which includes grease, oil, or any other object.

These clogs can cause water overflow leading to damage to the walls and ceiling of the house. It can also cause pressure within the pipes which results in the leakage and sometimes bursting of the pipes. Addressing clogged drains with appropriate cleaning methods helps in maintaining the functionality of the home plumbing system. A few causes of clogged drains are:

1. Grease or Oil:

In kitchen drains, usually, the pipes get clogged due to grease, oil, or buildup debris. Pouring oil or grease down the drain causes it to solidify and it sticks to the pipes causing blockage.

2. Improper Disposal Of Garbage

Excessive use of toilet paper or cotton swabs can lead to toilet clogging. Flushing any nonflushable item increases the chance of clogging the drain. Some portable toilet rentals can cause significant issues for clogging the drain. Some people may flush the inappropriate items that can easily cause drain blockage.

3. Poor Quality Pipes:

Damaged or poor-quality pipes can collapse anytime and they can hinder water flow which contributes to the clogging of the drain, when there is poor drain ventilation the plumbing systems can cause slow draining and can clog the drain.

There are certain ways to prevent drain clogging. Some Diy methods help in unclogging the drains but if the issue does not resolve or it is hard to handle it yourself it is best to call a professional plumber.

4.Hot water:

One of the easiest ways to unclog a minor blockage is by pouring hot or boiling water down the drain which helps in dissolving the grease and oil and it helps to loosen the clog. The heat helps in softening the hard materials and helps in breaking them down which makes it easier to flush them afterwards. Make sure to pour water slowly to avoid splashing or it may result in serious injury.

Be cautious while handling the boiling water. Hot or boiling water is most effective for small or minor clogging, for stubborn clogging in the drain professional help is required. It is best to call a professional plumber to help get rid of the clogs.

5.Vinegar and water:

Pouring a mixture of vinegar, baking soda, and water helps in unclogging the minor blockages. The chemical reaction caused by baking soda and vinegar helps to break down the buildup of debris and helps in unclogging the drain.

6. Avoid Pouring Oil in the Sink:

When washing the dishes avoid pouring down oil or grease to prevent clogging. When the oil cools down it solidifies and sticks to the pipes. Over time this build of debris blocks the pipe and results in clogging the drain.

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