Health, Nutrition and Safety at Pre-School

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Pre-school sets foundations for healthy habits. Schools focus on wellness, nutrition, and safety. This ensures children’s healthy development. Schools work closely with parents as partners. Together they support each child’s growth.

Nutritious Meals and Snacks

Schools provide meals made from fresh ingredients. Menus consider dietary restrictions. Children learn proper portion sizes. Snacks balance nutrition with fun. We know that pre school encourages trying new foods. Children feel fueled to learn and play.

Outdoor Play and Exercise

Daily outdoor time allows for running, climbing, and fresh air. Schools encourage active play. Structured activities develop motor skills. Children burn energy through fun games too. Indoor exercise breaks energize learning sessions.

Hygiene Habits

Schools make handwashing second nature. Children learn proper techniques. Schools teach using tissues or coughing into elbows when sick. These habits prevent the spreading of illnesses. Schools address potty training respectfully.

Dental Health

Brushing teeth after lunch cleans them. Posters illustrate proper techniques. Schools send home dental health info for parents too. Children receive fluoride treatments for strong, healthy smiles.

Safety Practices

Schools conduct regular emergency drills. Children know what to do in different situations. Schools address topics like traffic, strangers, and water safety. Using equipment properly prevents injuries. First aid is applied swiftly if needed.

Identifying Allergies

Schools learn about each child’s allergies. They take steps to avoid triggers. Schools address allergic reactions calmly. Schools keep epinephrine auto-injectors on hand just in case. Children feel secure.

Health Screenings

Schools perform basic vision, hearing, and growth checks annually. This detects any issues early. Schools promptly inform parents of any concerns. They recommend further exams if needed. Screenings catch minor problems before they worsen.

Daily Health Checks

Teachers perform visual checks of each child’s overall appearance and behavior upon arrival. They note any existing injuries, rashes, or signs of illness like coughing or lethargy. This allows for addressing concerns promptly before classroom integration.

Illness Policy

Clear policies state when sick children should stay home. Teachers send children home promptly if symptoms arise. Strict hand washing and cleaning protocols prevent illness spread. Schools maintain medical records like immunizations and allergies.

First Aid Certification

All teachers hold valid first aid and CPR certifications. Certification training covers injury assessment, cleaning wounds, administering rescue breaths, and handling emergencies appropriately. Teachers practice skills regularly to stay sharp.

Emergency Procedures

Detailed plans cover different scenarios like fire, lockdowns, bad weather, and medical emergencies. Regular drills prepare students and teachers. Schools securely store emergency supplies and contact information. Local authorities approve safety plans annually.

Nutritious Meals

Menus follow nutrition guidelines. Meals feature whole grains, fruits/veggies, and lean proteins. Schools limit sugar and salt. Food preparation staff receive proper food safety certification. Children sit together family-style to encourage socialization and trying new foods.


Teachers demonstrate and supervise handwashing upon arrival, before eating, and after using the bathroom. Children learn to lather their hands thoroughly while singing the ABCs. Schools stock child-height sinks and fragrance-free soap. Proper drying with paper towels is stressful.

Playground Safety

Teachers supervise active play closely. They inspect playgrounds daily, removing debris and making repairs. Schools secure equipment anchoring with an approved safety surface. Proper use of play structures prevents falls or pinches. Sunscreen and water are available as needed.

Allergen Management

Schools communicate allergies. They designate allergen-free tables and limit allergens from snacks/meals. Teachers receive training addressing allergic reactions. Schools clean and sanitize areas after meals to remove allergens before other activities. Epinephrine auto-injectors are immediately accessible.


Pre-school is about more than learning and fun. It focuses on healthy habits, safety knowledge, and wellness too. Schools partner with parents to set children up for life-long wellbeing. Strong foundations at preschool benefit each child greatly.

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